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The Azerbaijani Ombudsman spoke at the Board Meeting of the OIC Ombudsmen Association

24-05-2021 430 dəfə oxunub
The Azerbaijani Ombudsman spoke at the Board Meeting of the OIC Ombudsmen Association

The Commissioner for Human Rights (Ombudsman) of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ms Sabina Aliyeva participated in the next Board Meeting of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) Ombudsmen Association.

The President of the Association, Chief Ombudsman of Turkey Mr. ?eref Malkoç spoke at the opening ceremony of the meeting.

Later, speaking at the meeting, the Azerbaijani Ombudsman drew the attention of the participants to the issue of the recent world humanitarian crisis and focused on the importance of international solidarity in the protection of human rights. She noted that failures to fulfill the norms and principles of international law, disrespect for human rights pose more serious problems for humanity.

Underlining the nearly 30- year long aggression policy by Armenia against Azerbaijan, in apparent violation of the related well-known UN Resolutions, the Ombudsman reiterated the gross violations of IHL rules by Armenia last year through targeting civilian objects in the period of active hostilities for the liberation of the occupied territories of Azerbaijan. 

She also highlighted the fact of refusal by Armenia to provide maps of minefields, which were planted in those occupied territories of Azerbaijan that put at serious risk the lives and health of the people. In addition, the Ombudsman also stressed the fact of partial and total destruction of the Azerbaijani historical, cultural and religious monuments in the territories that were under occupation.

The Board Meeting was continued with interactive discussions in accordance with the agenda.