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Library of the Ombudsman Office joined the campaign on the occasion of the International Book Giving Day

29-01-2021 312 dəfə oxunub
Library of the Ombudsman Office joined the campaign on the occasion of the International Book Giving Day

The library of the Ombudsman Office of Azerbaijan joined the book campaign "Every read book is a bright tomorrow" held by the Republic Children's Library named after F. Kocharli on the occasion of the 14th February - International Book Giving Day.

450 copies of 6 printed materials (books, leaflets, posters) were donated to that Library. It should be noted that the donated Convention on the Rights of the Child, and other child-safety printed materials, including books, leaflets, posters titled "Protect children from corporal punishment !", "My Rights", "Children, be careful! Mine, shells and other ammunition are life-threatening !”,“Wash your hands with soap!”,“Keep informed! Do not be exposured to violence!" aim to support the education of children on these topics.