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Jalilabad Regional Center held online legal awareness events

15-03-2021 374 dəfə oxunub
Jalilabad Regional Center held online legal awareness events

Ombudsman’s Jalilabad Regional Center jointly with other government bodies has organized online legal awareness-raising events on the problem of early marriage and the fight against drug-addiction.

The videoconferences were organized on "The problem of early marriage and ways to combat it" and "Effective fight against drugs and promotion of a healthy lifestyle". The online events were attended by various stakeholders and local population groups.

During the first event, the participants spoke about the causes and consequences of early marriages, and relevant situations in the world and stated the importance of intensive education of people about those global problems.

In the next videoconference held by the Jalilabad Regional Center, it was noted that drug trafficking and drug-addiction are a global challenge, which induces increasing crime, financing terrorism and pose a serious threat to international security. The participants were provided with detailed information on the national actions and legal reforms taken to prevent and eradicate the drug-addiction and drug-related problems. It was noted that the relevant Action Program for 2021-2024 considers treatment and rehabilitation of the drug-addicted through modern medical technologies, expansion of international cooperation in the concerned field and conducting specialized training. At the event, students of the Astara State Art Gallery presented a virtual exhibition of their paintings under the motto “Let's say no to drugs!".

During the discussions it was noted that drug control measures have to be strengthened in all border settlements, taking into account the real situation in the country. It was also stressed the importance of expansion of the activities in the field of education, treatment and rehabilitation in these administrative areas.

The questions of the participants were answered at the events.