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The staff member of the Ombudsman Office delivered a lecture at Azerbaijan Labour and Social Relations Academy

26-05-2017 294 dəfə oxunub
The staff member of the Ombudsman Office delivered a lecture at Azerbaijan Labour and Social Relations Academy

Head of Legal Education Department of the Ombudsman Office Mugalib Mahmudov delivered a lecture in a course on “International Legal Standards on Labour and Their Application in Azerbaijan” organized by Azerbaijan Labour and Social Relations Academy for accountants of Republic Committees of field trade unions.

He informed participants about international labour standards defined by regional and universal organizations, international documents ratified regarding labour policy, as well as the history of the Ombudsman Office in Azerbaijan, Ombudsman’s competences, duties, activity in the field of protection of labour rights.

He added 18 out of 31 articles of Revised European Social Charter were ratified by the country, and the Commissioner made proposals to ratify other remaining articles of the Charter.

Questions about sending application to the Ombudsman, restoration of violated labour rights etc. were responded.