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Call center 916

The training on the protection of the rights of the migrants was continued in Yevlakh

10-06-2022 355 dəfə oxunub
The training on the protection of the rights of the migrants was continued in Yevlakh

The second day of the Training on the topic "Current International and National Legal Framework on the Protection of Migrants' Rights: monitoring mechanisms and detention procedures of irregular migrants" which was held within the  Project on the Support the Implementation of the Mobility Partnership in Azerbaijan“ (MOBILAZE 2) by the Ombudsman Institution, State Migration Service, and ICMPD Country Representative was continued in Yevlakh city. 

The purpose of the training was to increase the knowledge and professional capacities of the employees of the city Detention Center for Irregular Migrants in the field of protection of migrants’ rights. During the meeting, the participants were broadly informed about the protection of the Ombudsman’s rights, including the NPM activity.     

Later, the NPM members inspected the immigration detention center together with the ICMPD country representatives. The custody and treatment standards created in the Center for the foreigners, the situation with ensuring the rights of voluntary migrants and those who are mandatory detained, and the documentation was studied. The dormitory buildings, living and medical rooms, common area, interview area, meeting room, walking area, canteen, and other facilities in the immigration facility were inspected, as well as the current situation and documentation related to the reception of parcels, walks were investigated. 

In the end, an awareness talk was held with the management and employees of the facility based on the national legislation and international documents, and recommendations were given to further improve the conditions of detention. Furthermore, the protection of migrants' rights was discussed and posters with information about the Ombudsman's 916 Call Center were presented to the facility.