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Staff of the Ombudsman Office participated in an online training-seminar on the “Role of the Equality Bodies in Combating Hate Speech”

01-10-2020 554 dəfə oxunub
Staff of the Ombudsman Office participated in an online training-seminar on the “Role of the Equality Bodies in Combating Hate Speech”

Some of staff members of the Office of the Commissioner for Human Rights (Ombudsman) of the Republic of Azerbaijan (HRCA) have participated in an online training-seminar of the topic the “Role of the Equality Bodies in Combating Hate Speech” between 29-30 September, 2020. The event has brought together around 70 representatives from various countries and the issues of activities of the ombuds institutions, NHRIs and other relevant institutions has been put on the table. 

During the meeting, the HRCA staff members spoke about their successful completion of the Council of Europe “Help” online courses on hate speech between May and August, 2020, and the activities undertaken domestically against COVID-19 pandemic, as well as pertinent information on the activities by the HRCA against discrimination.

In addition, the HRCA staff also gave information about the recent ongoing clashes between Armenia and Azerbaijan started from 27 September, including its fatalities. The participants sounded also the Ombudsman’s statements in protest against civilian casualties.