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The Ombudsman’s National Preventive Group conducted monitoring within the Child Rights Month-Long Campaign

23-11-2023 413 dəfə oxunub
The Ombudsman’s National Preventive Group conducted monitoring within the Child Rights Month-Long Campaign

Within the framework of the "Child Rights Month-Long Campaign," declared by the Ombudsman of Azerbaijan, next monitoring in state child institutions was held with the participation of the members of the Ombudsman's National Preventive Group (NPG) specializing in psychology and social work.

During the monitoring conducted in the specialized boarding school No. 4 for children with limited health capacities, with an exclusion of 1-3 grades, it was found that there was a lack of classrooms, workbooks, and teaching materials for students in other grades.

Apart from this, during the monitoring conducted in the sanatorium-type boarding school No. 8, it was identified that there is a need for repairs of lockers in the dressing rooms and bathrooms for the children.

Confidential interviews were conducted with children in both institutions to assess the living conditions and the treatment. They were provided with extensive information about the Ombudsman's mandate and children's rights, and legal education activities were carried out. The children were given educational materials prepared by the Ombudsman Office, including brochures on children's rights.

At the end, a talk was held with the management and employees of both institutions, and recommendations for improving the living conditions and ensuring the effective protection of children's rights were made.