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The Ombudsman participates in a roundtable "Children's Rights: Equal Opportunities"

21-11-2018 282 dəfə oxunub
The Ombudsman participates in a roundtable "Children's Rights: Equal Opportunities"

On the occasion of the 26th anniversary of ratification of the CRC, the State Committee for Family, Women and Children Issues held a roundtable on "Children's Rights: Equal Opportunities", where the Commissioner, UNICEF Representative, Mr. Edward Carvardine and other state and international officials took part. Ms. Hijran Huseynova, Chairwoman of the State Committee and Mr. Edward Carvardine, UNICEF Representative welcomed the participants and spoke about the purpose of the roundtable. The Ombudsman's delivered speech about extensive human rights reforms, including those for ensuring child rights, state child policy and mechanisms to protect the rights of children at national level, innovative initiatives, including those made by the Ombudsman, including child rights advisers at the Office, 916 helpline service for facts of child abuse, child rights resource centers, national and international cooperation towards advancing the relevant legal framework, awareness events for children, parents and persons working with them, monitoring of child abuse and care systems, child rights month–long campaign. Later, questions of the participants have been answered and the members of the Leadership School participating in the event have been awarded with certificates and there have been demonstrated exhibition of paintings.