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Çağrı mərkəzi 916


02-02-2018 229 dəfə oxunub

Upon the instructions of the Commissioner, the members of National Preventive Group (NPG) conducted visit to Baku investigation isolator of the Penitentiary Service under the Ministry of Justice without prior notice.

The purpose of this visit was to investigate general detention condition, treatment. state of ensuring the rights of detainees as well as applications sent to Ombudsman.

During the visit where a physician member of NPG also participated, a number of accused persons were met in private, their applications and complaints were dealt with, the state of ensuring their rights, their applications and the issues raised by them were investigated, a number of applications were solved on spot.

Those persons stressed their content with the detention conditions, quality of food, healthcare service, and treatment.

Moreover, issues like investigation, pardoning, de-criminalization of crimes, other crimes and civic relations were responded in accordance with the legislation, their rights, the requirements of law about the pardoning, Commissioner’s competences were explained.

Legal consultation was provided to a number of persons who raised the issues regarding investigation process on their cases and respective bodies will be urged in this regard.

It should be noted the improvement of detention conditions in Baku Investigation Isolator, continuation of construction work, as well as repair of penalty isolator and quarantine room, restoration of chamber for persons with mental disorders in the medical-sanitary part, continuation of the construction of a new gas line to improve the detention conditions, improvement of the quality of food also the condition for juveniles to do sport were appreciated.

At the end of the visit, NPG members had discussions with the management of the facility on effective ensuring detainees’ rights and gave relevant recommendations.

Relevant bodies will be urged with regard to the outcome of the monitoring and received applications.